Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Who, What, When, Where and Why's...

First appointment down! Here we go!

So, I've been thinking of having bariatric surgery for many years, but the idea seemed too extreme for me. I felt ONE DAY I would nail it and get thin. Not happening. I've tried everything only to fail miserably and gain it all back plus more. I'm losing my patience because I feel I am running out of time.

I am 5 feet tall and I weigh 220 pounds today. I have a BMI of 42. I am lucky that I do not have diabetes or high blood pressure or anything of that sort at this point so, I feel it's time to take care of this now, before those problems arrive. Which they will, if I continue this way

My Grandfather died from his Diabetes, My Mother has diabetes and because of that, she has suffered a massive stroke which has left her paralyzed on her left side. Many other issues have come from her Diabetes such as neuropathy (painful nerve damage that can never be cured) and Gastroparesis which is like that same nerve damage but in the stomach. We will now be taking care of her at home soon and will be helping with bathing, transferring her from chair to bed, etc, and personal hygiene type of things as well. My Uncle passed from a heart attack in apparent good health and weight. My Grandmother died of Breast Cancer earlier this year.  This means that my odds are not great if I continue this way.

My mental, emotional and social health has been GREATLY impacted by my weight. I no longer seem to really participate in life, I just go through the motions. My weight has stopped me from enjoying everything, being with friends, doing things with my children and husband. It's made me want to hide literally and also under long sleeves or pants in the summer time.  It's made me stay home when my husband does things with the kids, it makes me wonder if people wonder why he is with a fatty like me when we are in public, it makes me feel so alone.  I wish my outside matched my inside, I know I'm a great person but this weight is making me withdraw and change. It's affected every relationship I have, it's affected everything I do and wear. It's made me conscious of how I sit, walk, stand, you name it. I hide under a pillow even at home on the couch, I don't like my husband to see me walk by him or get up from the couch as it's harder for me to get off of it these days. I don't want to go to family functions with my In-Laws because I feel so large and awkward and uncomfortable, like a beach ball rolling around the room.

Impacts on me physically:
I feel tired all the time.
My lower back gets sore, tired and feels like charley horses when I walk too long.
My knees hurt when I go up the stairs in my home.
Out of breath when going up stairs. 
Bending down to tie my shoes or pick something up is hard as my tummy gets in the way
Odors and rashes under my breasts from heat and sweat
Bras dig and rub on skin (difficult to reach to clasp my bra)
Feet and shins sore
Constantly sweating
Libido is shot as I feel self concious and it's not as easy to do phisically
Can't sleep on back and notice because of my neck being so thick I wake myself up from trouble breathing
Unable to run and play with my kids
Can't wrap a towel around me after a shower
Shoes getting tighter and hurting
Can't cross my legs

These are just a small handful of ways my weight has affected me. It's become who I am and I don't want to be that anymore. I feel like less of a woman and more like a leper.

So with this all said. I made the 1st step in making this happen. I met with my Doctor yesterday to get a referral to a bariatric surgeon. I felt good knowing my doc thought I was a good candidate. So the appointment is being set for that and I've registered for a bariatric surgery introduction class.
I will be expected to take this class, meet with a nutritionist and likely a counselor to help me break old habits and get me prepared for life long changes. I'm excited and nervous but ultimately relieved to have started this process. I was told it could be up to 6 mos. before I can actually get the surgery. So, I guess we will see!
I writing this because I need to be reminded how far I've come while I'm on this journey and hopefully to help someone else who reads this know what to expect from day one. (Decision) to surgery day, to life post op.  Here goes nothing!


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